As E pointed out to me, the amount of blogging is inversely proportional to the amount of work that we have to do. As you can see based on recent activity, E has a ton of work for which he is responsible. The only reason that I'm posting right now is because I have work to do that I am trying desperately to avoid. I'm having a rough time getting back into this work week because one of my best friends was in town. His visit has had the effect of making me slightly philosophical. If you want the gist of the post without reading it, just hum The Golden Girls theme song. If you aren't in the mood for a slightly sappy post...stop here. If you want to reminisce with me about the friends you've managed to keep through the years, here we go...
When you get to your mid-twenties (I think that's the first time I've thought of myself as that..scary), you are actually able to look back and realize that you've had a relatively long life. Seriously. Anytime you can say, "wow, that was ten years ago!" and have a vivid recollection of whatever the event was, you know you've been around for awhile.
Z and I have been friends since eighth grade. That's eleven years (if I've done my math right). We have the type of friendship where sometimes we talk every other week and at others we can go months without a phone call. But, it's also one of those great friendships where when we do catch up, it's like no time has passed. We fall right back into the old jokes, tease each other about the habits that we each have maintained since middle school, and remain supportive of whatever (ridiculous, challenging, painful, stupid, or wonderful) endeavor the other has chosen to undertake at the present time. This is true of my friendship with Z and equally as true of my friendships with T and L. T and L have also been some of my closest friends for ten years now, and I can remember our early times with, sometimes, embarrassing clarity.
As one who has just moved to new city where I'm meeting and spending time with a bunch of new people, there is great comfort in spending time with those who know me almost better than I know myself, people who knew me when I was a (self-conscious, awkward, stupid, immature, naive, (are there any good adjectives for this?!)) middle schooler. Middle school!! And, the best part is, that Z, and all of my other friends (old and new), still want to be my friend despite, or perhaps (amazingly) because of those things.
Samuel Johnson once wrote, "We cannot tell the precise moment when friendship is formed. As in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is at last a drop which makes it run over; so in a series of kindnesses there is at last one which makes the heart run over." This weekend was the drop that reminded me how much I love the friends who have loved me from the time I was completely unsure of myself and the world around me to now, when I still am unsure of the world around me, but definitely more certain of myself. We're in it for the long haul.