Saturday, January 29, 2005

You've made a wise choice my friend...

If E were here, he would say these very words to me. I've taken Stephanie up on her recommendation based on last weekend's excursion out into the winter mess that is D.C. I'm staying in tonight. I thought about going out. Part of me really wanted to go out. Part of me is really bored now that I'm not out. However, I've just happened to look out the window to find that the streets are already covered in a thin layer of snow and sleet. I have the comfort of knowing that I won't have to be walking home in that at 2:30 asking myself "what was I thinking?" I've patted myself on the back for making the right choice.

So, instead of running into the crazies out there, I'm enjoying a wonderful evening of staying warm instead of baring my face to the elements, wearing slippers instead of heels, listening to good music (something I don't do nearly enough of lately) at a reasonable decibel, and deciding which of my five flavors of ice cream to enjoy. If the weather were better, I'd venture out to buy bananas to make banana splits so that I could have at least three of the five flavors all at one time. That would be my own personal heaven. Also, I'm working on planning three very important weekends. First, my friend, Z, is coming to D.C. next weekend. My friend, K, is coming for the weekend on which all the valentines will be celebrating. She's going to be my valentine. And finally, in preparation for spring break, I am dreaming about all the fun things that I will be doing in New York City. Suggestions are always appreciated. Especially if they involve food and good wine.

Among the less glamorous part of my staying in is doing my laundry. I'm in the middle of a marathon. Now I believe people when they say that I have too many clothes. Tomorrow, though, their criticism won't matter at all. Many of my friends will probably wake up, as I did this morning, with a throbbing head, bleary eyes, and a parched throat saying to themselves, "what was I thinking?" And, once again, as I stand in front of a full closet of clean clothes that I can layer to keep myself warm in this weather, I'll still be thinking, "you've made a wise choice my friend."


At 7:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Katie! I'm staying in tonight, too. It's sleeting outside and I don't feel like going out - plus, I've been going out a lot lately so I'm taking tonight and tomorrow to catch up on some work... great minds think alike.

And, I also did laundry today. Maybe we were separated at birth. Oh, wait a minute--

Love you! <3 Lizzie


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